Sunday, June 6, 2010

Monitor xen domUs from dom0 with xenstore

The easier solution to monitor your domU servers may be to consider them as normal servers and install on them the Nagios NRPE plugin or any of your favorite monitoring software. But this means having a new daemon running on every of your domU, listening on a new port and new firewall rules to manage...
To avoid such burden, it is possible to monitor the virtual guests directly from the physical servers, using the xenstore database to pass information from the domUs to the host. The idea is the following one : every 5 minutes, the domUs execute a script that monitors what the system administrator thinks is important. The results is written on xenstore. Then, the dom0 collects all that information. Of course, if a domU fails to execute its script, the dom0 will detect it. Finally, there is a script on another server that does an snmpget to all the dom0s in order to gather all the information of your xen domUs.

The solution I wrote uses such idea, is written in python and works on RHEL 5, although it should work on any xen infrastructure. You can dowload it here.

Install the monitoring solution :
The first thing we need to do is to create the xenstore location on our dom0s. I chose to use /tool/myManagement/domUunsecureFiles/basicMonitoring. /tool/myManagement/ is the xenstore directory where I decided to store all the non standard information. Then I created the domUunsecureFiles to explain that every subdirectory in it has loose permissions : every domU may write in basicMonitoring. And as there is no sticky bit in xenstore, that means that every domU may delete or modify information another domU wrote before. There is a way with xenstore to enforce permissions but it is more complicated. What is more, I trust the people that administrate the domUs so I don't feel the need to go deep into those security concerns.

Let's add the commands to rc.local and execute them :
cat >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local <<-EOF

# write useful xenstore keys
xenstore-write /tool/myManagement/domUunsecureFiles/basicMonitoring/toDelete nothing
xenstore-rm /tool/myManagement/domUunsecureFiles/basicMonitoring/toDelete
xenstore-chmod /tool/myManagement/domUunsecureFiles/basicMonitoring w

xenstore-write /tool/myManagement/privateInfo/migration/toDelete nothing
xenstore-rm /tool/myManagement/privateInfo/migration/toDelete

. /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Then, copy the scripts, and in the /usr/local/bin directory of your dom0s.

We want to execute the monitoring script every 5 minutes :
cat > /etc/cron.d/basicXenMonitoring <<-EOF
# run xen basic monitoring every 5 minutes, one minute after the domUs
1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/

Then, we must configure the snmpd daemon in each dom0. In /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf we add the following lines :
extend basicXenstoreMonitoring /usr/local/bin/
extend listXenCluster /usr/local/bin/
And we restart the service :
/etc/init.d/snmpd restart

Secondly, let's focus on your domUs. For the script to work, you need to have installed the xenstore-write and xenstore-rm commands. In Debian, it is quite easy because there is small package for it and all you have to do is :
apt-get install xenstore-utils
In Redhat, it is more complicated because those commands belong to the xen package. So you will have to install them on every domU and also copy the /usr/lib64/ library.

Set the script in /usr/local/lib.

Then, copy the script on the /usr/local/bin directory. You will need to change the gateway definitions in the checkNetworkConnectivity function (see explanations part below).

As for the dom0s, we create the cron file :
cat >/etc/cron.d/basicXenMonitoring <<-EOF
*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/

Finally, on your monitoring server (or any server you judge valuable to collect the monitoring information), ensure that the /usr/bin/snmpget binary is installed. Copy the script in /usr/local/bin. And change the snmpget community (search at the end of the script for the toChange token).

Use it :
On the latter server, just use the command :
This command is made for "humans" : it separates errors from warnings and will list the domUs problems grouped by dom0s.
In order to make it easier for your monitoring system to parse the results, it may proves more interesting to use the following command : raw

Some explanations about the scripts : :
We just check 4 resources of the domU : CPU, swapping, disk and network connectivity. Those are the basic resources I consider we should monitor on every server (hence the name of the scripts...). Anyway, if you believe that there are other resources that should be monitored on every server, I think the script makes is quite easy to code it.

I tried to use the /proc filesystem to get information of the servers instead of using other commands or reading some configuration files (like /etc/fstab for instance). This is because I prefer getting the information from memory than accessing the disk.

In the checkDiskSpace function, you can see that I remove all the filesystems that contain the .snapshots token. This is due to the fact that for every Netapp NFS mount, we can mount lot of snapshots filesystems that don't offer valuable space information.

The most difficult function to understand may be checkNetworkConnectivity. The basic idea is to have a listing of all network definitions of my interfaces, and then to try to ping the gateways of those networks. In Xen, you can fix the MAC address of each interface. And in my case, I have a direct translation between the IP and the MAC (I consider it a good way to avoid MAC conflicts...). I build the MAC this way : MAC = 00:16 + <IP in hexa>. That is why, if I have a NIC whose MAC address begins with 00:16:ac:13:0a, I know that the corresponding IP belongs to the network and that the IP of the gateway I should try to ping is
Surely you will have to adapt this part. :
This script not only monitors the domUs but also the dom0. If you don't like that feature, just comment the call of the checkDom0 at the end of the script.
That function only monitors the memory and the disk space. I chose not to include the network connectivity check because it would be a bit complicated with my bridges configuration. What is more, if there is a problem in one of my VLAN/bridges, surely a domU will detect it!
Nor do I check the CPU with this function. This is just because I have another script to compute the Xen CPU (doing a xm list and looking at the values of the last command) to do that. :
This script does an snmpget to all the dom0s in order to get the monitoring results. That means that it should know the list of all the dom0s. I could have written that list in the script but I did not think it would be easy to administrate (you must change the script every time there is another dom0). So I preferred using another solution. On an NFS share mounted on every dom0, I have a description of all my hosts :
[root@srxen09 xenAdmin]# ls /data/config/auto/*
servidor1.cfg srxmwebmail.cfg www01.cfg www02.cfg wwwp02.cfg

srxmbf.cfg srxmcca-pre02.cfg srxmcolumbusd.cfg srxmldap-pre.cfg srxmlinuxweb01.cfg srxmtest2.cfg srxmtest.cfg srxmwasd02.cfg

servidor2.cfg www03.cfg wwwp01.cfg


Here, srxen01, srxen02, srxen03, srxen09 and srxen10 are some of my hosts. And you can see the configuration files of the domUs running on each of those hosts. So the script does an snmpget call to the listXenCluster script in order to know the dom0 list. As I have 2 datacenters with 2 NFS shares, I must call listXenCluster 2 times (doing an snmpget to the principal dom0).
Such solution may seem a bit complicated, so please don't hesitate to change it and hard-code your dom0 list if you don't like it.

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